7 of the 8 Navy officers imprisoned in Qatar return to India

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Published February 12, 2024 at 10:50am

Update February 12, 2024 at 10:51am

    We are grateful to the Government of India: Navy officer

    The Union Government released a statement

    Veterans worked for the Dahra Global company

Seven of the eight navy veterans who were earlier sentenced to death in Qatar on espionage charges returned to India. It was due to diplomatic efforts by the government of India that their death sentence was reduced to a life sentence and later to an extended prison term. “We waited almost for 18 months to be back in India. We are extremely grateful to the PM. It wouldn’t have been possible without his personal intervention and his equation with Qatar. We are grateful to the Government of India from the bottom of our hearts for every effort that has been made and this day wouldn’t have been possible without those efforts,” one of the veterans said. 

The Navy veterans served in India for up to 20 years and are said to have had an impeccable record. The Union Government released a statement with regard to the release. “The Government of India welcomes the release of eight Indian nationals working for the Dahra Global company who were detained in Qatar. Seven out of the eight of them have returned to India. We appreciate the decision by the Amir of the State of Qatar to enable the release and home-coming of these nationals,” the statement mentioned. 

7 of the 8 Navy officers imprisoned in Qatar return to India


    We are grateful to the Government of India: Navy officer

    The Union Government released a statement

    Veterans worked for the Dahra Global company

Seven of the eight navy veterans who were earlier sentenced to death in Qatar on espionage charges returned to India. It was due to diplomatic efforts by the government of India that their death sentence was reduced to a life sentence and later to an extended prison term. “We waited almost for 18 months to be back in India. We are extremely grateful to the PM. It wouldn’t have been possible without his personal intervention and his equation with Qatar. We are grateful to the Government of India from the bottom of our hearts for every effort that has been made and this day wouldn’t have been possible without those efforts,” one of the veterans said. 

The Navy veterans served in India for up to 20 years and are said to have had an impeccable record. The Union Government released a statement with regard to the release. “The Government of India welcomes the release of eight Indian nationals working for the Dahra Global company who were detained in Qatar. Seven out of the eight of them have returned to India. We appreciate the decision by the Amir of the State of Qatar to enable the release and home-coming of these nationals,” the statement mentioned. 

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