Bengaluru-based start-up’s Gold Composter is world’s fastest organic waste composter  

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Published October 1, 2023 at 4:12pm

Update October 1, 2023 at 4:13pm

    This Gold Composter efficiently handles large volumes of wet waste

    This composter processes organic waste in just six to eight hours

    Aims for a future where landfills would be no longer necessary

Bengaluru-based start-up Waste is Gold Technologies has developed an innovative aerobic organic waste composter, known as the Gold Composter, designed to efficiently handle large volumes of wet waste.

Wet waste, particularly food waste, poses significant challenges when it comes to composting in large quantities, often ending up in landfills where it generates harmful methane gases and contributes to global warming.

The Gold Composter utilizes cutting-edge technology that employs oxygen-consuming microorganisms and a bioreactor to accelerate the breakdown of organic matter.

This process takes just six to eight hours, making it one of the fastest waste processors available. The controlled environment in the composter manages temperature, moisture, oxygen, and aeration, ensuring rapid decomposition while minimizing negative side effects.

What sets this composter apart is its ability to process a wide range of organic waste, including cooked food waste, meat, bones, feathers, eggshells, coconut residue, horticultural waste, sewage sludge and tissue paper.

It has gained recognition from the National Green Tribunal and has been adopted for research and development purposes by the Central Food Technological Research Institute to establish composting standards across India.

With installations in approximately 150 locations across India, Waste is Gold Technologies aspires to expand its reach globally, aiming for a future where landfills are no longer necessary.

Their technology offers a sustainable solution to efficiently convert wet waste into nutrient-rich compost, benefiting agriculture and soil enrichment while mitigating the harmful impacts of landfill waste.

Bengaluru-based start-up’s Gold Composter is world’s fastest organic waste composter

    This Gold Composter efficiently handles large volumes of wet waste

    This composter processes organic waste in just six to eight hours

    Aims for a future where landfills would be no longer necessary

Bengaluru-based start-up Waste is Gold Technologies has developed an innovative aerobic organic waste composter, known as the Gold Composter, designed to efficiently handle large volumes of wet waste.

Wet waste, particularly food waste, poses significant challenges when it comes to composting in large quantities, often ending up in landfills where it generates harmful methane gases and contributes to global warming.

The Gold Composter utilizes cutting-edge technology that employs oxygen-consuming microorganisms and a bioreactor to accelerate the breakdown of organic matter.

This process takes just six to eight hours, making it one of the fastest waste processors available. The controlled environment in the composter manages temperature, moisture, oxygen, and aeration, ensuring rapid decomposition while minimizing negative side effects.

What sets this composter apart is its ability to process a wide range of organic waste, including cooked food waste, meat, bones, feathers, eggshells, coconut residue, horticultural waste, sewage sludge and tissue paper.

It has gained recognition from the National Green Tribunal and has been adopted for research and development purposes by the Central Food Technological Research Institute to establish composting standards across India.

With installations in approximately 150 locations across India, Waste is Gold Technologies aspires to expand its reach globally, aiming for a future where landfills are no longer necessary.

Their technology offers a sustainable solution to efficiently convert wet waste into nutrient-rich compost, benefiting agriculture and soil enrichment while mitigating the harmful impacts of landfill waste.

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