Bengaluru-based startup ‘Loopworm’ revolutionizing insect farming

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Published January 15, 2024 at 8:25pm

    Loopworm, a pioneering agri-biotechnology start-up

    Converts organic rejects from industries into sustainable feed for animals

    Contributes to burgeoning field of sustainable animal feed production

Loopworm, a pioneering agri-biotechnology start-up headquartered in Bengaluru, harnesses the remarkable attributes of insects to craft sustainable alternatives for animal feed.

In a world witnessing an escalating global demand for protein across diverse sectors such as human nutrition, livestock, poultry, fish feed, pet food, and cosmetics, the founders of Loopworm, Abhi Gawri and Ankit Alok Bagaria, alumni of IIT-Roorkee, embarked on a journey to revolutionize the industry.

Despite the initial aversion some may have to insects, these creatures emerge as abundant and potent sources of protein. Acting as nature’s scavengers, they play a crucial role in consuming crop biomass and organic waste, contributing to environmental balance.

Bagaria, Loopworm’s co-founder, emphasizes the insects’ significance, likening them to nature’s bioreactor and concentrator, capable of transforming waste into valuable nutritional products.

Loopworm’s distinctive approach involves utilizing insects to convert organic rejects from industries into sustainable feed ingredients for animals.

While insect farming and processing gain traction in Europe, Indian start-ups like Loopworm possess a distinct advantage in terms of cost efficiency.

The tropical climate in India facilitates cost-effective production, enabling companies like Loopworm to compete on a global scale with European counterparts.

This strategic advantage positions them to contribute significantly to the burgeoning field of sustainable animal feed production.

Bengaluru-based startup ‘Loopworm’ revolutionizing insect farming

    Loopworm, a pioneering agri-biotechnology start-up

    Converts organic rejects from industries into sustainable feed for animals

    Contributes to burgeoning field of sustainable animal feed production

Loopworm, a pioneering agri-biotechnology start-up headquartered in Bengaluru, harnesses the remarkable attributes of insects to craft sustainable alternatives for animal feed.

In a world witnessing an escalating global demand for protein across diverse sectors such as human nutrition, livestock, poultry, fish feed, pet food, and cosmetics, the founders of Loopworm, Abhi Gawri and Ankit Alok Bagaria, alumni of IIT-Roorkee, embarked on a journey to revolutionize the industry.

Despite the initial aversion some may have to insects, these creatures emerge as abundant and potent sources of protein. Acting as nature’s scavengers, they play a crucial role in consuming crop biomass and organic waste, contributing to environmental balance.

Bagaria, Loopworm’s co-founder, emphasizes the insects’ significance, likening them to nature’s bioreactor and concentrator, capable of transforming waste into valuable nutritional products.

Loopworm’s distinctive approach involves utilizing insects to convert organic rejects from industries into sustainable feed ingredients for animals.

While insect farming and processing gain traction in Europe, Indian start-ups like Loopworm possess a distinct advantage in terms of cost efficiency.

The tropical climate in India facilitates cost-effective production, enabling companies like Loopworm to compete on a global scale with European counterparts.

This strategic advantage positions them to contribute significantly to the burgeoning field of sustainable animal feed production.

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