Bengaluru: BWSSB to offer 6,000 litres of tanker water at just Rs 360

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Published March 11, 2024 at 2:35pm

    BWSSB to provide six thousand litres of water at a mere Rs 360

    Private tanker operators charging Rs 2,000 for 6000 litres of water

    Previous rate set by city district administration was Rs 510

Bengaluru residents have reason to celebrate as the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) steps up to address the city’s water scarcity challenges.

Offering a significant relief, BWSSB has introduced discounted water rates, pricing six thousand litres of water at a mere Rs 360, a substantial reduction from the previous rate set by the city district administration, which was Rs 510 for the same quantity.

This move by BWSSB is particularly commendable given the exorbitant charges imposed by private tanker operators, who were charging a staggering ₹2,000 for 6000 litres of water.

Moreover, BWSSB’s commitment to affordability extends further with the introduction of treated water for non-potable purposes, available upon booking through their helpline. This initiative not only addresses the immediate needs of residents but also emphasizes sustainable water management practices.

With 1440 million litres per day (MLD) of waste water treated and sold in the city, BWSSB is making significant strides in water conservation efforts.

By offering discounted rates and promoting the use of treated water for non-potable purposes, BWSSB is not only providing immediate relief to residents grappling with water scarcity but also laying the groundwork for long-term water sustainability in Bengaluru.

This proactive approach sets a commendable example for other urban areas facing similar challenges and underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between government bodies and communities to address pressing water issues.

Bengaluru: BWSSB to offer 6,000 litres of tanker water at just Rs 360

    BWSSB to provide six thousand litres of water at a mere Rs 360

    Private tanker operators charging Rs 2,000 for 6000 litres of water

    Previous rate set by city district administration was Rs 510

Bengaluru residents have reason to celebrate as the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) steps up to address the city’s water scarcity challenges.

Offering a significant relief, BWSSB has introduced discounted water rates, pricing six thousand litres of water at a mere Rs 360, a substantial reduction from the previous rate set by the city district administration, which was Rs 510 for the same quantity.

This move by BWSSB is particularly commendable given the exorbitant charges imposed by private tanker operators, who were charging a staggering ₹2,000 for 6000 litres of water.

Moreover, BWSSB’s commitment to affordability extends further with the introduction of treated water for non-potable purposes, available upon booking through their helpline. This initiative not only addresses the immediate needs of residents but also emphasizes sustainable water management practices.

With 1440 million litres per day (MLD) of waste water treated and sold in the city, BWSSB is making significant strides in water conservation efforts.

By offering discounted rates and promoting the use of treated water for non-potable purposes, BWSSB is not only providing immediate relief to residents grappling with water scarcity but also laying the groundwork for long-term water sustainability in Bengaluru.

This proactive approach sets a commendable example for other urban areas facing similar challenges and underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between government bodies and communities to address pressing water issues.

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