Bengaluru: Drought in state is bane to agri sector, but has a silver lining for mango cultivation

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Published December 20, 2023 at 2:10pm

    Severe drought causing distress in state's agri sector

    Mango growers find hope in prevailing weather conditions

    Experts say absence of untimely rains may yield bumper harvest

Despite the severe drought causing distress in the state’s agricultural sector, mango growers find a glimmer of hope in the prevailing weather conditions, which appear to be ideal for mango cultivation.

The drought, though detrimental to various crops, is anticipated to contribute to a record-high mango yield this season, providing a silver lining for the agricultural community.

Experts are optimistic about a bumper harvest in the upcoming summer, contingent upon the absence of untimely rains. The current dry spell, following three consecutive years of excessive rainfall, is deemed favourable for mango cultivation, coinciding with the onset of the flowering season. This convergence of factors has raised expectations that 2024 may mark an ‘on year,’ characterized by the highest mango yield, following three consecutive ‘off years’ when the yield plummeted to its lowest.

Mango crops thrive in bright sunlight and dry winter weather, making the prevalent weather conditions conducive to their growth. With mango cultivation spanning approximately 17 lakh hectares and typically yielding around 14 lakh metric tonnes, the 2023 season experienced a significant decline, dropping to below 8 lakh tonnes due to excessive rains and unfavourable weather.

However, the current dry spell is anticipated to reverse this trend, with experts predicting a potential yield surpassing 16 lakh tonnes, signifying a promising turnaround for mango growers in the region.

Bengaluru: Drought in state is bane to agri sector, but has a silver lining for mango cultivation

    Severe drought causing distress in state's agri sector

    Mango growers find hope in prevailing weather conditions

    Experts say absence of untimely rains may yield bumper harvest

Despite the severe drought causing distress in the state’s agricultural sector, mango growers find a glimmer of hope in the prevailing weather conditions, which appear to be ideal for mango cultivation.

The drought, though detrimental to various crops, is anticipated to contribute to a record-high mango yield this season, providing a silver lining for the agricultural community.

Experts are optimistic about a bumper harvest in the upcoming summer, contingent upon the absence of untimely rains. The current dry spell, following three consecutive years of excessive rainfall, is deemed favourable for mango cultivation, coinciding with the onset of the flowering season. This convergence of factors has raised expectations that 2024 may mark an ‘on year,’ characterized by the highest mango yield, following three consecutive ‘off years’ when the yield plummeted to its lowest.

Mango crops thrive in bright sunlight and dry winter weather, making the prevalent weather conditions conducive to their growth. With mango cultivation spanning approximately 17 lakh hectares and typically yielding around 14 lakh metric tonnes, the 2023 season experienced a significant decline, dropping to below 8 lakh tonnes due to excessive rains and unfavourable weather.

However, the current dry spell is anticipated to reverse this trend, with experts predicting a potential yield surpassing 16 lakh tonnes, signifying a promising turnaround for mango growers in the region.

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