Bengaluru: Government steps in, fixes prices for water tankers

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Published March 7, 2024 at 1:01pm

    Water tanker mafia had been plundering Bengalureans

    Government was forced to step in, check prices

    You can have a look at the prices here

Bengaluru is crying for water. At the same time, using this adversity as an opportunity, the water tanker mafia is trying to plunger helpless residents. 

Now, with a view to check them, the government has intervened and set prices. Here is a look: 

  1.  Rs 600 for a 6000 litre water tank for a distance of 5 kms. 
  2.  Rs 750 for a 6000 litre water tank for a distance of 10 kms. 
  3.  Rs 700 for an 8000 litre water tank for a distance of 5 kms. 
  4.  Rs 850 for an 8000 litre water tank for a distance of 10 kms. 
  5.  Rs 1000 for a 1200 litre water tank for a distance of 5 kms. 
  6. And for 10 kms, it will cost Rs 1200. 

Bengaluru faces water shortage 

This year, the garden city is struggling to meet its water demands. All thanks to an extended spell of no rains, the parched days are indeed hard to bear. 

Strict rules by apartments

In order to preserve water, many apartments in the city have come up with strict water regulations, asking the inmates to check their consumption. 

Bengaluru: Government steps in, fixes prices for water tankers

    Water tanker mafia had been plundering Bengalureans

    Government was forced to step in, check prices

    You can have a look at the prices here

Bengaluru is crying for water. At the same time, using this adversity as an opportunity, the water tanker mafia is trying to plunger helpless residents. 

Now, with a view to check them, the government has intervened and set prices. Here is a look: 

  1.  Rs 600 for a 6000 litre water tank for a distance of 5 kms. 
  2.  Rs 750 for a 6000 litre water tank for a distance of 10 kms. 
  3.  Rs 700 for an 8000 litre water tank for a distance of 5 kms. 
  4.  Rs 850 for an 8000 litre water tank for a distance of 10 kms. 
  5.  Rs 1000 for a 1200 litre water tank for a distance of 5 kms. 
  6. And for 10 kms, it will cost Rs 1200. 

Bengaluru faces water shortage 

This year, the garden city is struggling to meet its water demands. All thanks to an extended spell of no rains, the parched days are indeed hard to bear. 

Strict rules by apartments

In order to preserve water, many apartments in the city have come up with strict water regulations, asking the inmates to check their consumption. 

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