Bengaluru: Liquor merchants oppose week-long bar ban post elections

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Published May 29, 2024 at 2:26pm

Update May 29, 2024 at 2:27pm

    Recent directive to close liquor shops opposed by liquor merchants

    Federation of Wine Merchants Association question necessity of such a ban

    Federation says ban would cause substantial revenue loss

The recent directive to close liquor shops for a week following the announcement of Lok Sabha and Legislative Council election results has sparked significant opposition from the Federation of Wine Merchants Association. The order has prompted the association to voice its strong objections, questioning the necessity of such a ban after the elections have concluded.

Also read: No liquor sales for five days on June 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in Bengaluru in view of elections and results

The core concern revolves around the substantial revenue loss this ban would entail, affecting both licensees and government coffers. In response, the association has penned a letter to the Excise Department, articulating their displeasure and outlining their demands.

The Federation’s primary request is for liquor shops to remain closed only until polling concludes on election day, arguing that they should be permitted to reopen immediately afterward. Additionally, they propose that on the day of vote counting, only establishments within a 3-kilometer radius of the counting centers should be shut down.

Furthermore, the Hotel Association has joined in the appeal, urging the State Government, as well as the Central and State Election Commissions, to address and resolve this issue promptly. They argue that the current directive is overly restrictive and economically damaging, advocating for a more balanced approach that safeguards revenue while maintaining electoral integrity.

Bengaluru: Liquor merchants oppose week-long bar ban post elections

    Recent directive to close liquor shops opposed by liquor merchants

    Federation of Wine Merchants Association question necessity of such a ban

    Federation says ban would cause substantial revenue loss

The recent directive to close liquor shops for a week following the announcement of Lok Sabha and Legislative Council election results has sparked significant opposition from the Federation of Wine Merchants Association. The order has prompted the association to voice its strong objections, questioning the necessity of such a ban after the elections have concluded.

Also read: No liquor sales for five days on June 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in Bengaluru in view of elections and results

The core concern revolves around the substantial revenue loss this ban would entail, affecting both licensees and government coffers. In response, the association has penned a letter to the Excise Department, articulating their displeasure and outlining their demands.

The Federation’s primary request is for liquor shops to remain closed only until polling concludes on election day, arguing that they should be permitted to reopen immediately afterward. Additionally, they propose that on the day of vote counting, only establishments within a 3-kilometer radius of the counting centers should be shut down.

Furthermore, the Hotel Association has joined in the appeal, urging the State Government, as well as the Central and State Election Commissions, to address and resolve this issue promptly. They argue that the current directive is overly restrictive and economically damaging, advocating for a more balanced approach that safeguards revenue while maintaining electoral integrity.

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