Bengaluru: Visvesvaraya Museum receives hoax bomb threat

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Published January 5, 2024 at 7:20pm

    Visvesvaraya Museum found itself targeted by a threatening email

    Bombs would explode upon museum's opening for the day on January 5

    Bomb threat turned hoax as no explosive devices were found

The Visvesvaraya Museum, situated on Kasturba Road in Bengaluru, found itself targeted by a threatening email, indicating a potential bomb threat upon the museum’s opening for the day on January 5.

The email, originating from the address Morgue999lol and purportedly associated with the group Terrorizers 111, asserted the presence of multiple explosives strategically placed within the museum, set to detonate in the morning. Notably, a similar email had been dispatched to the Indian Museum in Kolkata by the same group.

Promptly responding to the gravity of the situation, the director of the Visvesvaraya Museum reported the threat to the Cubbon Park police. In a coordinated effort involving bomb disposal units and canine squads, an extensive search of the entire museum premises ensued.

Ultimately, the investigation revealed that the bomb threat was nothing more than a malicious hoax, as no explosive devices were found.

It has been reported that this ominous email was not isolated to the Visvesvaraya Museum, as similar threats were believed to have been sent to various museums across the country.

The incident underscores the ongoing challenges authorities face in combating cyber threats and underscores the importance of swift and thorough responses to such incidents to ensure public safety.

Bengaluru: Visvesvaraya Museum receives hoax bomb threat

    Visvesvaraya Museum found itself targeted by a threatening email

    Bombs would explode upon museum's opening for the day on January 5

    Bomb threat turned hoax as no explosive devices were found

The Visvesvaraya Museum, situated on Kasturba Road in Bengaluru, found itself targeted by a threatening email, indicating a potential bomb threat upon the museum’s opening for the day on January 5.

The email, originating from the address Morgue999lol and purportedly associated with the group Terrorizers 111, asserted the presence of multiple explosives strategically placed within the museum, set to detonate in the morning. Notably, a similar email had been dispatched to the Indian Museum in Kolkata by the same group.

Promptly responding to the gravity of the situation, the director of the Visvesvaraya Museum reported the threat to the Cubbon Park police. In a coordinated effort involving bomb disposal units and canine squads, an extensive search of the entire museum premises ensued.

Ultimately, the investigation revealed that the bomb threat was nothing more than a malicious hoax, as no explosive devices were found.

It has been reported that this ominous email was not isolated to the Visvesvaraya Museum, as similar threats were believed to have been sent to various museums across the country.

The incident underscores the ongoing challenges authorities face in combating cyber threats and underscores the importance of swift and thorough responses to such incidents to ensure public safety.

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