Cyber Crime: Don’t fall prey to lottery scams!

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Published February 21, 2024 at 1:28pm

Update February 21, 2024 at 5:22pm

    Lottery scam involves coughing up money from you through fake messages

    Scam under the allure of having won freebies, jackpots, good fortune

    Such messages make you highly susceptible to scams and losing your money

In the name of telling you that you have won lakhs in a lottery, you would be defrauded very badly. We tell you how here!

What is a lottery scam?

Lottery scam involves instigating to cough up money from you under the allure of winning or having won freebies, jackpots, and good fortune through messaging and various online means claiming that you have won a bounty. It is crucial to exercise caution, as succumbing to these beliefs in such messages can make you highly susceptible to scams and losing your hard-earned money.

How is this scam carried out?

These lottery scammers bait you with information like Congratulations! You’ve secured a windfall of 10 thousand US dollars or its equivalent in rupees that can swiftly be deposited into your account. The moment you encounter such information, you think your treasury can be replenished. Falling into this trap allows scammers to deceive you by requesting personal documents such as photographs, identity cards, and bank details to enhance credibility. They go to great lengths, forging authentic-looking documents and creating an atmosphere that compels belief in their legitimacy. Once trust is established, they commence soliciting funds, starting with the demand for payment in foreign currency to facilitate the transfer to your local account. Ultimately when you follow all of this, you will be left ghastly scammed by emptying your coffers.

So here’s how you have to safeguard yourself!

  1. Discard messages claiming on lottery bounty
  2. Never transfer money
  3. Exercise caution on cheques and DDs

Refrain from engaging with individuals claiming you’ve won a lottery. Disregard their calls, resist withdrawing money based on their assertions, and certainly avoid transferring funds to any account they provide for various reasons. Above all, steer clear of unfounded claims promising exclusive access to a lottery. If someone sends you a cheque, DD, or passbook online, urging you to trust them, exercise extreme caution and refrain from placing your trust in such communications.

Cyber Crime: Don’t fall prey to lottery scams!

    Lottery scam involves coughing up money from you through fake messages

    Scam under the allure of having won freebies, jackpots, good fortune

    Such messages make you highly susceptible to scams and losing your money

In the name of telling you that you have won lakhs in a lottery, you would be defrauded very badly. We tell you how here!

What is a lottery scam?

Lottery scam involves instigating to cough up money from you under the allure of winning or having won freebies, jackpots, and good fortune through messaging and various online means claiming that you have won a bounty. It is crucial to exercise caution, as succumbing to these beliefs in such messages can make you highly susceptible to scams and losing your hard-earned money.

How is this scam carried out?

These lottery scammers bait you with information like Congratulations! You’ve secured a windfall of 10 thousand US dollars or its equivalent in rupees that can swiftly be deposited into your account. The moment you encounter such information, you think your treasury can be replenished. Falling into this trap allows scammers to deceive you by requesting personal documents such as photographs, identity cards, and bank details to enhance credibility. They go to great lengths, forging authentic-looking documents and creating an atmosphere that compels belief in their legitimacy. Once trust is established, they commence soliciting funds, starting with the demand for payment in foreign currency to facilitate the transfer to your local account. Ultimately when you follow all of this, you will be left ghastly scammed by emptying your coffers.

So here’s how you have to safeguard yourself!

  1. Discard messages claiming on lottery bounty
  2. Never transfer money
  3. Exercise caution on cheques and DDs

Refrain from engaging with individuals claiming you’ve won a lottery. Disregard their calls, resist withdrawing money based on their assertions, and certainly avoid transferring funds to any account they provide for various reasons. Above all, steer clear of unfounded claims promising exclusive access to a lottery. If someone sends you a cheque, DD, or passbook online, urging you to trust them, exercise extreme caution and refrain from placing your trust in such communications.

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