Did you know that tegu reptiles can remain dormant for almost 6 months? But why do they? 

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Published April 8, 2024 at 1:52pm

    Tegus are native to South America

    They belong to a lizard species

    They undergo brumation in order to save energy

At the animals’ show organised at Jayamahal Palace in Bengaluru, one came across many dogs, birds and snakes.

While one was impressed with these animals, one was terrified spotting a tegu! 

Also Read: Paws, claws, and feathers: Bengaluru’s pet extravaganza 

The tegu is a reptile which can intrigue humans. 

The unique feature about this is that it sleeps for 6 months on end! Its skin is different. When NewsFirst Prime spoke to its owner, he said that it grows up to 5 feet. It is fed on chicken, vegetables and fruits. He adds that the reptile’s tail is very robust and can trade heavy blows.  

When we did more R&D on the issue, we came to know that it belongs to a lizard species which is native to South America. It is found primarily in rainforests and savannas of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay. They belong to the family Teiidae and are closely related to other lizards like monitors and iguanas.

Their behaviour during cold months 

We understand that in regions with distinct seasons, tegus experience a period of dormancy during the cooler winter months. This dormancy, known as brumation, is similar to hibernation in mammals but is not as deep. Tegus typically enter brumation to conserve energy and survive harsh environmental conditions.

During brumation, tegus become less active, reduce their metabolic rate, and may spend most of their time hidden underground or in burrows.

Did you know that tegu reptiles can remain dormant for almost 6 months? But why do they? 


    Tegus are native to South America

    They belong to a lizard species

    They undergo brumation in order to save energy

At the animals’ show organised at Jayamahal Palace in Bengaluru, one came across many dogs, birds and snakes.

While one was impressed with these animals, one was terrified spotting a tegu! 

Also Read: Paws, claws, and feathers: Bengaluru’s pet extravaganza 

The tegu is a reptile which can intrigue humans. 

The unique feature about this is that it sleeps for 6 months on end! Its skin is different. When NewsFirst Prime spoke to its owner, he said that it grows up to 5 feet. It is fed on chicken, vegetables and fruits. He adds that the reptile’s tail is very robust and can trade heavy blows.  

When we did more R&D on the issue, we came to know that it belongs to a lizard species which is native to South America. It is found primarily in rainforests and savannas of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay. They belong to the family Teiidae and are closely related to other lizards like monitors and iguanas.

Their behaviour during cold months 

We understand that in regions with distinct seasons, tegus experience a period of dormancy during the cooler winter months. This dormancy, known as brumation, is similar to hibernation in mammals but is not as deep. Tegus typically enter brumation to conserve energy and survive harsh environmental conditions.

During brumation, tegus become less active, reduce their metabolic rate, and may spend most of their time hidden underground or in burrows.

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