Earth’s hidden depths: Scientists discover vast ocean 700 kms deep below the surface

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Published April 8, 2024 at 6:51pm

Update April 8, 2024 at 6:52pm

    Vast ocean lying deep beneath the Earth's surface

    Approximately 700 kilometers below Earth's surface

    Discovery made possible with a network of 2000 seismographs

Researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, have made a groundbreaking discovery: a colossal ocean lying deep beneath the Earth’s surface, approximately 700 kilometers below us. This subterranean water source, three times the size of all the Earth’s oceans combined, challenges existing theories about the origin of Earth’s water.

The discovery was made possible through the deployment of a network of 2000 seismographs across the United States. These instruments meticulously analyzed seismic waves from over 500 earthquakes, revealing the presence of the vast water reservoir by detecting deceleration in waves as they passed through damp rock deep within the Earth.

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Researchers emphasize the significance of this reservoir, stating, “This constitutes significant evidence supporting the notion that Earth’s water originated internally.” The discovery challenges conventional understanding of the Earth’s water cycle, suggesting that water may exist within the mantle, migrating amid rock grains.

The implications of this discovery are profound, potentially reshaping our understanding of Earth’s water cycle. It highlights the importance of further research to determine the prevalence of mantle melting globally and offers new insights into one of the planet’s fundamental processes. As scientists continue to gather seismic data, they are poised to unlock more secrets about the Earth’s hidden oceans and their role in shaping our planet.

Earth’s hidden depths: Scientists discover vast ocean 700 kms deep below the surface

    Vast ocean lying deep beneath the Earth's surface

    Approximately 700 kilometers below Earth's surface

    Discovery made possible with a network of 2000 seismographs

Researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, have made a groundbreaking discovery: a colossal ocean lying deep beneath the Earth’s surface, approximately 700 kilometers below us. This subterranean water source, three times the size of all the Earth’s oceans combined, challenges existing theories about the origin of Earth’s water.

The discovery was made possible through the deployment of a network of 2000 seismographs across the United States. These instruments meticulously analyzed seismic waves from over 500 earthquakes, revealing the presence of the vast water reservoir by detecting deceleration in waves as they passed through damp rock deep within the Earth.

Also read: Scientists pioneering bold plan to cool earth: Harnessing clouds as sun shields

Researchers emphasize the significance of this reservoir, stating, “This constitutes significant evidence supporting the notion that Earth’s water originated internally.” The discovery challenges conventional understanding of the Earth’s water cycle, suggesting that water may exist within the mantle, migrating amid rock grains.

The implications of this discovery are profound, potentially reshaping our understanding of Earth’s water cycle. It highlights the importance of further research to determine the prevalence of mantle melting globally and offers new insights into one of the planet’s fundamental processes. As scientists continue to gather seismic data, they are poised to unlock more secrets about the Earth’s hidden oceans and their role in shaping our planet.

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