Flyer complains lack of medical aid at Kempegowda International Airport during emergencies

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Published October 28, 2023 at 3:14pm

Update October 28, 2023 at 3:41pm

    Kathmandu resident has criticized Bengaluru airport

    Highlights lack of readily available, cost-free medical service

    Incident sparked debate on need for accessible free medical aid at airport

A Kathmandu resident has criticized Bengaluru airport for its lack of a readily available, cost-free medical service to address emergencies within its confines.

Prashant Daruka expressed his dismay through a social media post on X, highlighting an incident where his wife sustained injuries from one of the airport’s transparent glass gates.

He expressed frustration, stating that they were charged 1000 rupees merely to access a doctor. The tweet emphasized the necessity of having a doctor stationed at the airport without additional charges for instances of accidents.

In a post on X, he said, “Really shameful by @BLRairport. My wife was hurt by one of their transparent glass gates. They charged us 1000 bucks just to get a doctor.” The tweet went on to say, “Shouldn’t there be a doctor in the airport free of charge for such accidents. Isn’t this a basic facility which all airports should have.”

This, according to Daruka, should be a fundamental facility that all airports should provide. The incident has sparked a debate about the need for accessible and free medical aid at major transportation hubs.

NewsFirst Prime reached out to airport authority to hear their side of the story on this incident, however at the time of reporting this story, there was no reply from them. 

Flyer complains lack of medical aid at Kempegowda International Airport during emergencies

    Kathmandu resident has criticized Bengaluru airport

    Highlights lack of readily available, cost-free medical service

    Incident sparked debate on need for accessible free medical aid at airport

A Kathmandu resident has criticized Bengaluru airport for its lack of a readily available, cost-free medical service to address emergencies within its confines.

Prashant Daruka expressed his dismay through a social media post on X, highlighting an incident where his wife sustained injuries from one of the airport’s transparent glass gates.

He expressed frustration, stating that they were charged 1000 rupees merely to access a doctor. The tweet emphasized the necessity of having a doctor stationed at the airport without additional charges for instances of accidents.

In a post on X, he said, “Really shameful by @BLRairport. My wife was hurt by one of their transparent glass gates. They charged us 1000 bucks just to get a doctor.” The tweet went on to say, “Shouldn’t there be a doctor in the airport free of charge for such accidents. Isn’t this a basic facility which all airports should have.”

This, according to Daruka, should be a fundamental facility that all airports should provide. The incident has sparked a debate about the need for accessible and free medical aid at major transportation hubs.

NewsFirst Prime reached out to airport authority to hear their side of the story on this incident, however at the time of reporting this story, there was no reply from them. 

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