Here is the role of exercise in managing diabetes

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Published May 18, 2024 at 1:27pm

    Exercise improves the body's insulin sensitivity and counters insulin resistance

    Walking for two hours can reduce the risk of heart disease resulting from diabetes

    Helps manage weight gain, lowers blood pressure and strengthens muscles and bones

Being diagnosed with diabetes can certainly be a significant life change. For such people, monitoring oneself with a balanced diet and exercise becomes a key to managing their health.

But, have you ever wondered about the significance of exercise and its impact on diabetes?  The Journal Harvard Health Publishing states in its research that exercise plays a huge role in controlling diabetes and blood sugar spikes. Previous research has also stated that both diet and exercise need to be disciplined for patients. 

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Effects of exercise for diabetes patients

The role of exercise for diabetes is very large. It helps diabetes patients control diabetes by controlling other health problems: weight, lower blood pressure, lower harmful LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, raise healthy HDL cholesterol, strengthen muscles and bones, reduce anxiety, and improve your general well-being. The other benefits include: 

.Firstly, exercise helps lower blood glucose levels in the body. Study published in Harvard Health notes that people who exercised regularly noticed a lowered HbA1c value by 0.7 percentage. This includes following a specific diet and also taking the required medications.

. Exercise can improve your body’s insulin sensitivity and counter insulin resistance.

. Exercise such as aerobic exercise, resistance training or a training combined with both are most effective in lowering HbA1c values in people with diabetes

. Research suggests that both resistance training and aerobics helped decrease insulin resistance in older adults who had diabetes and abdominal obesity. Combining the two types of exercise proved more beneficial than doing either one alone.

. Another research finding stated that walking for two hours can reduce the risk of heart disease resulting from diabetes more than other forms of exercises.

. For women, the research states that at least four hours of moderate or vigorous exercise every week may reduce the risk of future heart problems and diabetes risk. These benefits were true even after researchers weighed in factors like BMI, smoking, and other heart disease risk factors.

Here is the role of exercise in managing diabetes

    Exercise improves the body's insulin sensitivity and counters insulin resistance

    Walking for two hours can reduce the risk of heart disease resulting from diabetes

    Helps manage weight gain, lowers blood pressure and strengthens muscles and bones

Being diagnosed with diabetes can certainly be a significant life change. For such people, monitoring oneself with a balanced diet and exercise becomes a key to managing their health.

But, have you ever wondered about the significance of exercise and its impact on diabetes?  The Journal Harvard Health Publishing states in its research that exercise plays a huge role in controlling diabetes and blood sugar spikes. Previous research has also stated that both diet and exercise need to be disciplined for patients. 

Also Read: Teen dies from heart attack after eating ultra-spicy chip in Massachusetts

Effects of exercise for diabetes patients

The role of exercise for diabetes is very large. It helps diabetes patients control diabetes by controlling other health problems: weight, lower blood pressure, lower harmful LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, raise healthy HDL cholesterol, strengthen muscles and bones, reduce anxiety, and improve your general well-being. The other benefits include: 

.Firstly, exercise helps lower blood glucose levels in the body. Study published in Harvard Health notes that people who exercised regularly noticed a lowered HbA1c value by 0.7 percentage. This includes following a specific diet and also taking the required medications.

. Exercise can improve your body’s insulin sensitivity and counter insulin resistance.

. Exercise such as aerobic exercise, resistance training or a training combined with both are most effective in lowering HbA1c values in people with diabetes

. Research suggests that both resistance training and aerobics helped decrease insulin resistance in older adults who had diabetes and abdominal obesity. Combining the two types of exercise proved more beneficial than doing either one alone.

. Another research finding stated that walking for two hours can reduce the risk of heart disease resulting from diabetes more than other forms of exercises.

. For women, the research states that at least four hours of moderate or vigorous exercise every week may reduce the risk of future heart problems and diabetes risk. These benefits were true even after researchers weighed in factors like BMI, smoking, and other heart disease risk factors.

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