IIT Madras’s Avishkar Hyperloop: The future of transportation in India

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Published October 9, 2023 at 8:47am

    IIT Madras has unveiled a prototype of Avishkar Hyperloop

    It can take you from Chennai to Bengaluru in just 25 minutes

    Hyperloop is being hailed as transportation mode of future

In a remarkable achievement, a pioneering team from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has unveiled a prototype of the Avishkar Hyperloop, with the ambitious goal of reducing the travel time between Chennai and Bengaluru to a mere 25 minutes.

This groundbreaking invention, the Avishkar Hyperloop, not only fills India with pride but has also garnered global attention. It stood out as the sole Indian entry to reach the finals of SpaceX’s prestigious international Hyperloop Pod Competition, receiving recognition during an event held in Edinburgh.

The Hyperloop is being hailed as the transportation mode of the future, blending the swiftness of airplanes with the comfort associated with trains. In contrast to airplanes, which achieve high speeds but generate considerable noise and air pollution and require extensive infrastructure like airports, the Hyperloop pods glide through vacuum tubes at astonishing speeds of up to 1200 kmph, as reported in an interview with ET Now.

The IIT Madras team, securing the award for the best scalability, harbours the ultimate ambition of transforming the Hyperloop into a reality in India by 2035, commencing with a route connecting Chennai to Bengaluru.

This vision is underpinned by rigorous research and studies to ensure the highest levels of safety, even at these incredible speeds.

IIT Madras’s Avishkar Hyperloop: The future of transportation in India


    IIT Madras has unveiled a prototype of Avishkar Hyperloop

    It can take you from Chennai to Bengaluru in just 25 minutes

    Hyperloop is being hailed as transportation mode of future

In a remarkable achievement, a pioneering team from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has unveiled a prototype of the Avishkar Hyperloop, with the ambitious goal of reducing the travel time between Chennai and Bengaluru to a mere 25 minutes.

This groundbreaking invention, the Avishkar Hyperloop, not only fills India with pride but has also garnered global attention. It stood out as the sole Indian entry to reach the finals of SpaceX’s prestigious international Hyperloop Pod Competition, receiving recognition during an event held in Edinburgh.

The Hyperloop is being hailed as the transportation mode of the future, blending the swiftness of airplanes with the comfort associated with trains. In contrast to airplanes, which achieve high speeds but generate considerable noise and air pollution and require extensive infrastructure like airports, the Hyperloop pods glide through vacuum tubes at astonishing speeds of up to 1200 kmph, as reported in an interview with ET Now.

The IIT Madras team, securing the award for the best scalability, harbours the ultimate ambition of transforming the Hyperloop into a reality in India by 2035, commencing with a route connecting Chennai to Bengaluru.

This vision is underpinned by rigorous research and studies to ensure the highest levels of safety, even at these incredible speeds.

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