Impact of alcohol on women; doctor says even small amount of alcohol is not salubrious

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Published February 8, 2024 at 2:10pm

Update February 8, 2024 at 3:52pm

    Women tend to have higher blood alcohol levels than men

    Increased mortality and breast cancer evident among women drinkers

    No amount of alcohol is safe, it's better a woman stays away from it

In contemporary social settings, alcohol has become synonymous with social gatherings. Women holding the glass is no more considered a taboo. On the contrary, she’s called old schooled if she doesn’t sip along her peer group.

But, have you ever thought why women drinking was considered a taboo? What are makes them more susceptible than men? Here are some impairing effects of alcohol on women even when consumed in less quantity.

Why Do Women Face Higher Risks?

Research has shown that, when women drink the same amount of alcohol as men, women tend to have higher blood alcohol levels than men, and the immediate effects of alcohol usually occur more quickly and last longer in women than men. These differences make women more susceptible to the long-term negative health effects of alcohol compared with men.

Dr Thejaswini J, Consultant ENT and Women Care Centre, Motherhood Hospital, Electronic City, says, “Alcohol is both fat and water soluble and hence it just permeates into the cells and so it affects every part of the body. Also, metabolism rate in women is lesser compared to men and hence, women get drunk early and for longer.” This explains why women are more likely than men to experience hangovers and alcohol-induced blackouts at comparable doses of alcohol.

Health Risks

Increased mortality and breast cancer evident among women who report drinking more than two drinks daily. Higher levels of alcohol consumption by women are associated with increased menstrual symptoms, hypertension, and stroke. Women who drink heavily also appear to have increased infertility and spontaneous abortion. Adverse fetal effects occur after variable amounts of alcohol consumption, making any alcohol use during pregnancy potentially harmful.

Then is there something called as safe limit to consume alcohol for women? Dr Thejaswini says the answer is a NO, especially during pregnancy, no amount of alcohol is safe and it’s better a woman stays away from it otherwise also. When inevitable go with a drink with lesser percentage of alcohol and stick to one drink a day. She further elaborates that when women binge drink, there are chances of them getting intoxicated which can lead to coma and death.

A recent survey showed that underage girls drinking has gone upto 34% while for boys its increased by 26%. Dr Thejaswini warns that is a very serious issue as alcohol damages brain cells and decreases their productivity. This trend is dangerous since they start as social drinking which goes on to binge drinking and finally into addiction at a very young age.

Apart from this, Dr Thejaswini elaborates that women are more prone to psychiatric disorders such as depression, and if they find solace in alcohol it can be disastrous.

Solution to the issue

Dr Thejaswini says that awareness programs in schools is must where young girls should be educated about the severe repercussions of alcohol consumption. She suggests that media, including movies and digital platforms, play a crucial role in shaping societal attitudes towards alcohol. Rather than merely displaying warning signs, these platforms should promote the concept that abstaining from alcohol is a commendable lifestyle choice, paralleling the current trend of embracing fitness regimens.

While the decision to drink alcohol remains a personal one, it is imperative for individuals, especially women, to be cognizant of its potential consequences. Mindlessly emulating others or succumbing to societal pressure is futile. As women bear the responsibility of nurturing future generations, their choices directly impact the quality of society. Therefore, exercising caution in dietary and lifestyle choices, including alcohol consumption, is paramount to sow the seeds of a healthier future.

Impact of alcohol on women; doctor says even small amount of alcohol is not salubrious

    Women tend to have higher blood alcohol levels than men

    Increased mortality and breast cancer evident among women drinkers

    No amount of alcohol is safe, it's better a woman stays away from it

In contemporary social settings, alcohol has become synonymous with social gatherings. Women holding the glass is no more considered a taboo. On the contrary, she’s called old schooled if she doesn’t sip along her peer group.

But, have you ever thought why women drinking was considered a taboo? What are makes them more susceptible than men? Here are some impairing effects of alcohol on women even when consumed in less quantity.

Why Do Women Face Higher Risks?

Research has shown that, when women drink the same amount of alcohol as men, women tend to have higher blood alcohol levels than men, and the immediate effects of alcohol usually occur more quickly and last longer in women than men. These differences make women more susceptible to the long-term negative health effects of alcohol compared with men.

Dr Thejaswini J, Consultant ENT and Women Care Centre, Motherhood Hospital, Electronic City, says, “Alcohol is both fat and water soluble and hence it just permeates into the cells and so it affects every part of the body. Also, metabolism rate in women is lesser compared to men and hence, women get drunk early and for longer.” This explains why women are more likely than men to experience hangovers and alcohol-induced blackouts at comparable doses of alcohol.

Health Risks

Increased mortality and breast cancer evident among women who report drinking more than two drinks daily. Higher levels of alcohol consumption by women are associated with increased menstrual symptoms, hypertension, and stroke. Women who drink heavily also appear to have increased infertility and spontaneous abortion. Adverse fetal effects occur after variable amounts of alcohol consumption, making any alcohol use during pregnancy potentially harmful.

Then is there something called as safe limit to consume alcohol for women? Dr Thejaswini says the answer is a NO, especially during pregnancy, no amount of alcohol is safe and it’s better a woman stays away from it otherwise also. When inevitable go with a drink with lesser percentage of alcohol and stick to one drink a day. She further elaborates that when women binge drink, there are chances of them getting intoxicated which can lead to coma and death.

A recent survey showed that underage girls drinking has gone upto 34% while for boys its increased by 26%. Dr Thejaswini warns that is a very serious issue as alcohol damages brain cells and decreases their productivity. This trend is dangerous since they start as social drinking which goes on to binge drinking and finally into addiction at a very young age.

Apart from this, Dr Thejaswini elaborates that women are more prone to psychiatric disorders such as depression, and if they find solace in alcohol it can be disastrous.

Solution to the issue

Dr Thejaswini says that awareness programs in schools is must where young girls should be educated about the severe repercussions of alcohol consumption. She suggests that media, including movies and digital platforms, play a crucial role in shaping societal attitudes towards alcohol. Rather than merely displaying warning signs, these platforms should promote the concept that abstaining from alcohol is a commendable lifestyle choice, paralleling the current trend of embracing fitness regimens.

While the decision to drink alcohol remains a personal one, it is imperative for individuals, especially women, to be cognizant of its potential consequences. Mindlessly emulating others or succumbing to societal pressure is futile. As women bear the responsibility of nurturing future generations, their choices directly impact the quality of society. Therefore, exercising caution in dietary and lifestyle choices, including alcohol consumption, is paramount to sow the seeds of a healthier future.

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