INS Jatayu in Lakshadweep Islands: How India plans to fortify its maritime capabilities

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Published March 6, 2024 at 3:17pm

    INS Jatayu will help safeguard India's interests

    Lakshadweep are strategically positioned

    It will also help increase operational reach

The commissioning of Naval Detachment Minicoy as INS Jatayu is a significant step. This will only help in fortifying the security infrastructure at the Lakshadweep Islands. Let us also remember that the islands are strategically positioned in the Indian Ocean.

This is the second naval base established after  INS Dweeprakshak. INS Jatayu will also play a phenomenal role in improving the Navy’s operational capabilities in the region.

Strategically located as the southernmost island in Lakshadweep, Minicoy holds critical significance in safeguarding the Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs). bolster the overall operational capability of the Indian Navy in the region.

INS Jatayu’s establishment aims to extend operational reach and support the Navy’s efforts in anti-piracy and anti-narcotics operations in the Western Arabian Sea.

At the same time, INS Jatayu is expected to reinforce the Navy’s role as the primary responder in the region, enhancing connectivity with the mainland. This development aligns seamlessly with the Government of India’s vision for the comprehensive development of islands, underscoring its commitment to bolstering security and infrastructure in strategic maritime locations.

INS Jatayu in Lakshadweep Islands: How India plans to fortify its maritime capabilities

    INS Jatayu will help safeguard India's interests

    Lakshadweep are strategically positioned

    It will also help increase operational reach

The commissioning of Naval Detachment Minicoy as INS Jatayu is a significant step. This will only help in fortifying the security infrastructure at the Lakshadweep Islands. Let us also remember that the islands are strategically positioned in the Indian Ocean.

This is the second naval base established after  INS Dweeprakshak. INS Jatayu will also play a phenomenal role in improving the Navy’s operational capabilities in the region.

Strategically located as the southernmost island in Lakshadweep, Minicoy holds critical significance in safeguarding the Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs). bolster the overall operational capability of the Indian Navy in the region.

INS Jatayu’s establishment aims to extend operational reach and support the Navy’s efforts in anti-piracy and anti-narcotics operations in the Western Arabian Sea.

At the same time, INS Jatayu is expected to reinforce the Navy’s role as the primary responder in the region, enhancing connectivity with the mainland. This development aligns seamlessly with the Government of India’s vision for the comprehensive development of islands, underscoring its commitment to bolstering security and infrastructure in strategic maritime locations.

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