Karnataka: 1578 kids missing; reasons range from family disputes to prostitution!

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Published February 11, 2024 at 8:00pm

    Quite shockingly, many girls are forced into prostitution

    Many minors are made to undergo forced labour

    Some children run away as they can’t bear step-motherly treatment

In what comes as shocking, for the period 2018 to 2023, as many as 10,000 kids had gone missing! Of these, 1578 kids have not been traced till now. 

Even as these facts startle you, here are a few reasons as to why kids go missing! 

  1. Quite shockingly, many girls are forced into prostitution. 
  2. Many minors are made to undergo forced labour. For this purpose, they are kidnapped.  
  3. In some cases, minors fall in love and elope with their partners. 
  4. In some other cases, minors run away from home, unable to cope up with pressure to study. 
  5. Shockingly, some children run away as they can’t bear step-motherly treatment. 
  6. Family disputes can also be a reason for children to run away. 
  7. Impolite fathers, their addiction to alcohol can also be a leading reason. 
  8. When children stay elsewhere, the unbearable conditions there can push them to the extremes. 
  9. Unable to bear humiliation out of poverty and in a few cases, social injustice, some kids run away to earn money. 
  10. Some are subjected to repeated sexual harassment. 

While these are some reasons why children run away, below, we list a few reasons as to why officials have failed in their duty. 

  1. Absence of committees that keep a tab on women and children in gram panchayats. 
  2. A meeting has to be held every three months to discuss relevant issues. But it has not happened. 
  3. The tahsildar concerned should keep a tab on illegal trafficking. But such tahsildars would have failed. 
  4. Failure on part of the relevant authorities to counsel kids who are facing turbulent lives. 

Karnataka: 1578 kids missing; reasons range from family disputes to prostitution!


    Quite shockingly, many girls are forced into prostitution

    Many minors are made to undergo forced labour

    Some children run away as they can’t bear step-motherly treatment

In what comes as shocking, for the period 2018 to 2023, as many as 10,000 kids had gone missing! Of these, 1578 kids have not been traced till now. 

Even as these facts startle you, here are a few reasons as to why kids go missing! 

  1. Quite shockingly, many girls are forced into prostitution. 
  2. Many minors are made to undergo forced labour. For this purpose, they are kidnapped.  
  3. In some cases, minors fall in love and elope with their partners. 
  4. In some other cases, minors run away from home, unable to cope up with pressure to study. 
  5. Shockingly, some children run away as they can’t bear step-motherly treatment. 
  6. Family disputes can also be a reason for children to run away. 
  7. Impolite fathers, their addiction to alcohol can also be a leading reason. 
  8. When children stay elsewhere, the unbearable conditions there can push them to the extremes. 
  9. Unable to bear humiliation out of poverty and in a few cases, social injustice, some kids run away to earn money. 
  10. Some are subjected to repeated sexual harassment. 

While these are some reasons why children run away, below, we list a few reasons as to why officials have failed in their duty. 

  1. Absence of committees that keep a tab on women and children in gram panchayats. 
  2. A meeting has to be held every three months to discuss relevant issues. But it has not happened. 
  3. The tahsildar concerned should keep a tab on illegal trafficking. But such tahsildars would have failed. 
  4. Failure on part of the relevant authorities to counsel kids who are facing turbulent lives. 

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