Karnataka government bans hookah bars and sale of hookah apparatus

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Published February 8, 2024 at 6:49pm

Update February 8, 2024 at 6:53pm

    Statewide ban on hookah bars and sale of hookah apparatus

    Prohibition on promotion of hookah-related businesses as well

    Ban underscores preventative measures on well-being of populace

The Karnataka government took a decisive step on February 7 by instituting a statewide ban on hookah bars, sales of hookah apparatus, and associated ingredients, citing paramount concerns for public health and safety. This directive encompasses the prohibition of advertising and promotion of hookah-related businesses as well.

The health department, in issuing this directive, emphasized the grave risks posed by hookah usage. Notably, hookah sessions typically occur in enclosed environments, facilitating the transmission of diseases among users.

Given that hookah smoke is drawn directly into the mouth and often shared among multiple individuals, there exists a heightened risk of contracting serious infections such as herpes and hepatitis.

Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao underscored the severity of the issue by equating a single hookah session, lasting anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes, to the inhalation of a significant quantity of cigarette smoke—equivalent to consuming 20 to 40 cigarettes.

This measure reflects a proactive approach by the government to safeguard public health, recognizing the need to curb practices that pose substantial health hazards.

By addressing the proliferation of hookah bars and associated activities, the government aims to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases and reduce the burden on the healthcare system. It underscores the importance of preventative measures in preserving the well-being of the populace.

Karnataka government bans hookah bars and sale of hookah apparatus


    Statewide ban on hookah bars and sale of hookah apparatus

    Prohibition on promotion of hookah-related businesses as well

    Ban underscores preventative measures on well-being of populace

The Karnataka government took a decisive step on February 7 by instituting a statewide ban on hookah bars, sales of hookah apparatus, and associated ingredients, citing paramount concerns for public health and safety. This directive encompasses the prohibition of advertising and promotion of hookah-related businesses as well.

The health department, in issuing this directive, emphasized the grave risks posed by hookah usage. Notably, hookah sessions typically occur in enclosed environments, facilitating the transmission of diseases among users.

Given that hookah smoke is drawn directly into the mouth and often shared among multiple individuals, there exists a heightened risk of contracting serious infections such as herpes and hepatitis.

Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao underscored the severity of the issue by equating a single hookah session, lasting anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes, to the inhalation of a significant quantity of cigarette smoke—equivalent to consuming 20 to 40 cigarettes.

This measure reflects a proactive approach by the government to safeguard public health, recognizing the need to curb practices that pose substantial health hazards.

By addressing the proliferation of hookah bars and associated activities, the government aims to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases and reduce the burden on the healthcare system. It underscores the importance of preventative measures in preserving the well-being of the populace.

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