Karnataka is host to highest number of foreign students studying in India

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Published February 5, 2024 at 6:00pm

    Karnataka stands as primary hub for international students in India

    Karnataka hosts a staggering 6,004 students from foreign countries

    Diverse academic landscape and thriving job market in Bengaluru

According to the latest data from the All India Survey for Higher Education 2021-22, Karnataka stands as the primary hub for international higher education aspirants in India, hosting a staggering 6,004 students from foreign countries.

Following closely is Punjab, with 5,971 students, while Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh contribute significantly with 4,856 and 4,323 students, respectively.

Nepal takes the lead in providing the largest contingent of foreign students in India, totaling 13,126 aspirants. Other major source countries include Afghanistan, the United States, Bangladesh, and the UAE.

In total, India hosts 46,878 foreign students hailing from 170 countries, including unique locations like Iceland, Bouvet Island, Panama, and the Bahamas. Among these, Nepal dominates in undergraduate studies, while Afghanistan claims the top spot for PhD aspirants.

Bengaluru emerges as the preferred destination, offering unparalleled job opportunities among major Indian cities. The visa-free travel policy from Nepal to India plays a crucial role in the high influx of students from the Himalayan country.

Additionally, the allure of cutting-edge courses such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data sciences, along with traditional disciplines like computer applications, business management, and engineering, contributes to the city’s popularity among international students.

The diverse academic landscape and thriving job market make Bengaluru a magnet for those seeking quality education and promising career prospects.

Karnataka is host to highest number of foreign students studying in India


    Karnataka stands as primary hub for international students in India

    Karnataka hosts a staggering 6,004 students from foreign countries

    Diverse academic landscape and thriving job market in Bengaluru

According to the latest data from the All India Survey for Higher Education 2021-22, Karnataka stands as the primary hub for international higher education aspirants in India, hosting a staggering 6,004 students from foreign countries.

Following closely is Punjab, with 5,971 students, while Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh contribute significantly with 4,856 and 4,323 students, respectively.

Nepal takes the lead in providing the largest contingent of foreign students in India, totaling 13,126 aspirants. Other major source countries include Afghanistan, the United States, Bangladesh, and the UAE.

In total, India hosts 46,878 foreign students hailing from 170 countries, including unique locations like Iceland, Bouvet Island, Panama, and the Bahamas. Among these, Nepal dominates in undergraduate studies, while Afghanistan claims the top spot for PhD aspirants.

Bengaluru emerges as the preferred destination, offering unparalleled job opportunities among major Indian cities. The visa-free travel policy from Nepal to India plays a crucial role in the high influx of students from the Himalayan country.

Additionally, the allure of cutting-edge courses such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data sciences, along with traditional disciplines like computer applications, business management, and engineering, contributes to the city’s popularity among international students.

The diverse academic landscape and thriving job market make Bengaluru a magnet for those seeking quality education and promising career prospects.

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