Karnataka: KMF to stop sale of buffalo milk owing to decline in consumer demand

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Published March 19, 2024 at 2:09pm

    KMF to cease Nandini buffalo milk sale in state again

    Lackluster response from consumers to buffalo milk

    Mere 2000 litres of buffalo milk were being sold daily

Consumers in Karnataka will soon find themselves without access to KMF buffalo milk, following the organization’s decision to once again cease its sale.

This move marks a reversal of the distribution policy implemented by the Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) since December of the preceding year. Despite initial efforts to introduce buffalo milk into the market, KMF has been compelled to halt its sales due to a noticeable decline in consumer demand.

Reports indicate that a mere 2000 litres of buffalo milk were being sold daily across the state, a figure deemed insufficient to sustain operations. This milk was not only catering to local consumers but also being dispatched to urban centres such as Bengaluru, and even reaching out-of-state markets like Goa and Maharashtra.

With a price tag of Rs 60 per litre, KMF’s buffalo milk initially seemed poised to carve a niche in the dairy market. However, the lackluster response from consumers ultimately led to the organization’s decision to discontinue its sale.

This move underscores the role of consumer preferences in shaping market dynamics. Jagadish, serving as the Managing Director of KMF, has formally communicated this strategic shift.

While the cessation of buffalo milk sales may disappoint some consumers, it reflects the pragmatic response of KMF to market realities and underscores the imperative of aligning production with consumer demand to ensure economic viability.

Karnataka: KMF to stop sale of buffalo milk owing to decline in consumer demand


    KMF to cease Nandini buffalo milk sale in state again

    Lackluster response from consumers to buffalo milk

    Mere 2000 litres of buffalo milk were being sold daily

Consumers in Karnataka will soon find themselves without access to KMF buffalo milk, following the organization’s decision to once again cease its sale.

This move marks a reversal of the distribution policy implemented by the Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) since December of the preceding year. Despite initial efforts to introduce buffalo milk into the market, KMF has been compelled to halt its sales due to a noticeable decline in consumer demand.

Reports indicate that a mere 2000 litres of buffalo milk were being sold daily across the state, a figure deemed insufficient to sustain operations. This milk was not only catering to local consumers but also being dispatched to urban centres such as Bengaluru, and even reaching out-of-state markets like Goa and Maharashtra.

With a price tag of Rs 60 per litre, KMF’s buffalo milk initially seemed poised to carve a niche in the dairy market. However, the lackluster response from consumers ultimately led to the organization’s decision to discontinue its sale.

This move underscores the role of consumer preferences in shaping market dynamics. Jagadish, serving as the Managing Director of KMF, has formally communicated this strategic shift.

While the cessation of buffalo milk sales may disappoint some consumers, it reflects the pragmatic response of KMF to market realities and underscores the imperative of aligning production with consumer demand to ensure economic viability.

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