Karnataka: On the pretext of  exorcising evil spirits, Islamic cleric sexually assaults minor girl

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Published June 3, 2024 at 2:35pm

Update June 3, 2024 at 2:36pm

    Girl complained of being possessed by evil spirits

    Maulvi takes advantage of the situation

    He rapes her repeatedly as a solution

A Muslim cleric from Chitradurga, Karnataka, has been arrested for sexually assaulting a minor girl in a mosque. 

The girl, who used to visit the mosque often for reading the Quran, came under the attack several times in the last three years. 

But the incident came to light only on May 31. Incidentally, it is reported that the girl was believed to have been possessed by evil spirits. When her parents approached the cleric, he is alleged to have said he would exorcise, but put forth a condition that she should compromise physically.  

Karnataka: On the pretext of  exorcising evil spirits, Islamic cleric sexually assaults minor girl


    Girl complained of being possessed by evil spirits

    Maulvi takes advantage of the situation

    He rapes her repeatedly as a solution

A Muslim cleric from Chitradurga, Karnataka, has been arrested for sexually assaulting a minor girl in a mosque. 

The girl, who used to visit the mosque often for reading the Quran, came under the attack several times in the last three years. 

But the incident came to light only on May 31. Incidentally, it is reported that the girl was believed to have been possessed by evil spirits. When her parents approached the cleric, he is alleged to have said he would exorcise, but put forth a condition that she should compromise physically.  

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