Karnataka: President for State Commision for Women not appointed even after 6 months 

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Published January 7, 2024 at 9:27am

    Rs 496.57 crore is allocated for women safety across Karnataka

    The Safe City Scheme will be implemeneted in Bengaluru

    1135 cases are pertaining to sexual harassment were filed in 2023

The position of president for the Karnataka State Commission for Women has not been appointed even six months after the newly elected government has taken charge. 

Bengaluru occupies the third spot nationwide in terms of crimes against women. The number of registered cases has been on a steady rise. 1991 cases were registered in 2021. In 2022, this number increased to 2630. In 2023, 3260 cases were registered. 

Of the 3260 cases, 1135 cases are pertaining to sexual harassment. 1007 cases pertaining to dowry harassment were filed. 696 cases were related to domestic violence. 161 cases were related to girl child trafficking. 60 cases of outraging modesty were filed. 176 cases of harassment were filed. 

There is a change in administrative positions each time there is a change in government after elections. But the appointment of the President has taken longer than usual. Lack of coordination within the Corporation Board is said to be the reason for the delay. 

This is concerning given that Rs 496.57 crore with the state and central governments both contributing in a ratio of 3:2 is allocated for women safety across Karnataka. The Safe City Scheme is also being planned on being implemented in Bengaluru.

Karnataka: President for State Commision for Women not appointed even after 6 months 


    Rs 496.57 crore is allocated for women safety across Karnataka

    The Safe City Scheme will be implemeneted in Bengaluru

    1135 cases are pertaining to sexual harassment were filed in 2023

The position of president for the Karnataka State Commission for Women has not been appointed even six months after the newly elected government has taken charge. 

Bengaluru occupies the third spot nationwide in terms of crimes against women. The number of registered cases has been on a steady rise. 1991 cases were registered in 2021. In 2022, this number increased to 2630. In 2023, 3260 cases were registered. 

Of the 3260 cases, 1135 cases are pertaining to sexual harassment. 1007 cases pertaining to dowry harassment were filed. 696 cases were related to domestic violence. 161 cases were related to girl child trafficking. 60 cases of outraging modesty were filed. 176 cases of harassment were filed. 

There is a change in administrative positions each time there is a change in government after elections. But the appointment of the President has taken longer than usual. Lack of coordination within the Corporation Board is said to be the reason for the delay. 

This is concerning given that Rs 496.57 crore with the state and central governments both contributing in a ratio of 3:2 is allocated for women safety across Karnataka. The Safe City Scheme is also being planned on being implemented in Bengaluru.

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