Karnataka: Train returning to Mysuru from Ayodhya witnesses clash; police intervene in Hospet Railway Station

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Published February 23, 2024 at 9:32am

Update February 23, 2024 at 9:33am

    3 individuals entered the train and threatened passengers

    SP Srihari Babu reached the spot

    Incident caused delay of 2 hours for the train

An untoward incident unfolded in a train carrying passengers who had visited Ayodhya. The train was returning to Mysuru from Ayodhya when the incident occurred. Members of various religions are suspected to be involved in this incident. Three individuals are said to have entered the train and threatened passengers in the Hospet stop. Speculations suggest that the threat pertained to setting the train on fire. A tense environment is described to have been prevalent inside the train. The individuals were handed over to the Hospet police. They were however apparently released before any inquiry was initiated. This may have resulted in anger among some passengers which translated into shouting slogans. Superintendent of Police Srihari Babu reached the spot and reconciled the aggrieved parties and ensured the safe departure of the train. 

The fight is reported to have started over a minor conflict. This is assumed to have caused a delay of 2 hours for the train. It is believed that during the conflict the chain of the train was pulled on several occasions. 

The incident occurred in bogey number 2 of the train. This is the 11th consecutive day, trains have been travelling to Ayodhya but this is however the first time such an incident has occurred.

Karnataka: Train returning to Mysuru from Ayodhya witnesses clash; police intervene in Hospet Railway Station


    3 individuals entered the train and threatened passengers

    SP Srihari Babu reached the spot

    Incident caused delay of 2 hours for the train

An untoward incident unfolded in a train carrying passengers who had visited Ayodhya. The train was returning to Mysuru from Ayodhya when the incident occurred. Members of various religions are suspected to be involved in this incident. Three individuals are said to have entered the train and threatened passengers in the Hospet stop. Speculations suggest that the threat pertained to setting the train on fire. A tense environment is described to have been prevalent inside the train. The individuals were handed over to the Hospet police. They were however apparently released before any inquiry was initiated. This may have resulted in anger among some passengers which translated into shouting slogans. Superintendent of Police Srihari Babu reached the spot and reconciled the aggrieved parties and ensured the safe departure of the train. 

The fight is reported to have started over a minor conflict. This is assumed to have caused a delay of 2 hours for the train. It is believed that during the conflict the chain of the train was pulled on several occasions. 

The incident occurred in bogey number 2 of the train. This is the 11th consecutive day, trains have been travelling to Ayodhya but this is however the first time such an incident has occurred.

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