Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Railway Police places checkposts in prominent stations across Karnataka

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Published March 24, 2024 at 11:24am

Update March 24, 2024 at 11:25am

    Transportation of money and alcohol is being curbed ahead of the elections

    There are 20 squads with each squad consisting of 5 members

    The squads are also being assisted by police dogs

The Karnataka Railway Police has released guidelines in  light of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The Railway Protection Force (RPF) and the Railway Police have put in place checkposts at various locations. These include all the prominent railway stations in Karnataka. Luggage of passengers is being examined. Transportation of money and alcohol is being curbed ahead of the elections. The police are also keeping an eye on people with suspicious conduct. 

Squads have been constituted to conduct routine checks in the coaches of trains arriving from different states. The searches have been particularly more prominent in Karnataka’s borders with neighbouring states. 

There are 20 squads with each squad consisting of 5 members. These have been constituted based on the order of the Central Election Committee. The squads are also being assisted by police dogs.

Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Railway Police places checkposts in prominent stations across Karnataka


    Transportation of money and alcohol is being curbed ahead of the elections

    There are 20 squads with each squad consisting of 5 members

    The squads are also being assisted by police dogs

The Karnataka Railway Police has released guidelines in  light of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The Railway Protection Force (RPF) and the Railway Police have put in place checkposts at various locations. These include all the prominent railway stations in Karnataka. Luggage of passengers is being examined. Transportation of money and alcohol is being curbed ahead of the elections. The police are also keeping an eye on people with suspicious conduct. 

Squads have been constituted to conduct routine checks in the coaches of trains arriving from different states. The searches have been particularly more prominent in Karnataka’s borders with neighbouring states. 

There are 20 squads with each squad consisting of 5 members. These have been constituted based on the order of the Central Election Committee. The squads are also being assisted by police dogs.

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