No more change woes: BMTC’s QR codes for hassle-free bus ticketing

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Published February 23, 2024 at 9:05pm

Update February 23, 2024 at 9:06pm

    Passengers can buy tickets by scanning QR Code with the conductor

    Adoption of digital payments in Volvo buses has reached 32 percent

    6 to 7% of its monthly revenue is collected through digital payments

Passengers used to get exhausted waiting to pay and receive tickets on BMTC buses. Even the conductor’s pocket would be empty without change. They had to struggle to buy or issue tickets by tendering exact change, often without change for small amounts like 5 or 10 rupees. Now, BMTC has addressed this issue thanks to the introduction of QR codes, marking the advent of the digital era.

Now, passengers can conveniently make payments at the scanner with the conductor. Once the payment is successful, the conductor issues the ticket without any hassle or dispute. With money in their accounts and internet on their mobile phones, passengers can comfortably obtain their tickets.

Over 35 lakh people travel on BMTC buses daily, with 20 lakh women enjoying free rides on the bus each day. The remaining 15 lakh passengers purchase tickets, with one lakh opting for UPI payments to avoid change inconveniences. This method allows passengers to acquire tickets seamlessly.

In addition to ticket purchases, passengers also utilize digital payments for daily and monthly passes. Every month, one lakh monthly passes are issued, with 50 thousand people opting for UPI payments, effectively putting an end to change-related issues.

The adoption of digital payments in Volvo buses has reached 32 percent among daily passengers, showcasing a remarkable response to UPI payments, according to BMTC officials. Initially, there wasn’t much traction for UPI payments, but now there’s a good response from the public.

The response to digital payments has been tremendous, with BMTC collecting ₹5.54 crore from UPI ticket purchases in November, which increased to ₹5.91 crore in December and ₹5.96 crore last month. While the overall revenue of BMTC exceeds 85 crores per month, 6 to 7 percent of it is collected through digital payments.

To further streamline the process and reduce payment-related struggles, BMTC is planning to integrate QR codes into ETMs (Electronic Ticketing Machine) soon. This move aims to enhance convenience for both passengers and conductors, thereby encouraging more people to opt for digital payments.

No more change woes: BMTC’s QR codes for hassle-free bus ticketing

    Passengers can buy tickets by scanning QR Code with the conductor

    Adoption of digital payments in Volvo buses has reached 32 percent

    6 to 7% of its monthly revenue is collected through digital payments

Passengers used to get exhausted waiting to pay and receive tickets on BMTC buses. Even the conductor’s pocket would be empty without change. They had to struggle to buy or issue tickets by tendering exact change, often without change for small amounts like 5 or 10 rupees. Now, BMTC has addressed this issue thanks to the introduction of QR codes, marking the advent of the digital era.

Now, passengers can conveniently make payments at the scanner with the conductor. Once the payment is successful, the conductor issues the ticket without any hassle or dispute. With money in their accounts and internet on their mobile phones, passengers can comfortably obtain their tickets.

Over 35 lakh people travel on BMTC buses daily, with 20 lakh women enjoying free rides on the bus each day. The remaining 15 lakh passengers purchase tickets, with one lakh opting for UPI payments to avoid change inconveniences. This method allows passengers to acquire tickets seamlessly.

In addition to ticket purchases, passengers also utilize digital payments for daily and monthly passes. Every month, one lakh monthly passes are issued, with 50 thousand people opting for UPI payments, effectively putting an end to change-related issues.

The adoption of digital payments in Volvo buses has reached 32 percent among daily passengers, showcasing a remarkable response to UPI payments, according to BMTC officials. Initially, there wasn’t much traction for UPI payments, but now there’s a good response from the public.

The response to digital payments has been tremendous, with BMTC collecting ₹5.54 crore from UPI ticket purchases in November, which increased to ₹5.91 crore in December and ₹5.96 crore last month. While the overall revenue of BMTC exceeds 85 crores per month, 6 to 7 percent of it is collected through digital payments.

To further streamline the process and reduce payment-related struggles, BMTC is planning to integrate QR codes into ETMs (Electronic Ticketing Machine) soon. This move aims to enhance convenience for both passengers and conductors, thereby encouraging more people to opt for digital payments.

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