Please don’t charge your phones in public! Your data can be stolen!

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Published March 30, 2024 at 3:08pm

    Your phones could be hacked

    It's advisable not charge your phones in public

    Infected USBs can steal your data from phones

The government has once again warned people not to charge their phones in public as the data on the phone may be stolen. Let’s understand what juice jacking is. 

Juice jacking is a sneaky cyber threat that occurs when hackers exploit public charging stations to steal sensitive data from your mobile devices. Picture this scenario: you’re waiting for your train or flight, and your phone’s battery is running low. You plug it into a charging port, thinking nothing of it, but unknown to you, your personal information is being compromised. 

Also Read: Cyber crimes: Know what juice jacking is and how to protect yourself!

Here’s how it works

When you connect your device to a public USB port, cybercriminals can use compromised cables or ports to install malware onto your phone. This malware acts like a virus, infiltrating your device and granting hackers access to all your personal data. From passwords to financial details, nothing is safe. Even more alarming, hackers can potentially manipulate your phone to transfer funds from your bank accounts.

So, how can you protect yourself? 

Firstly, avoid charging your phone in public places whenever possible. It’s also a good idea to keep your phone fully charged before heading out. Consider carrying your own USB cables and even spare batteries to avoid using public charging stations altogether. By staying vigilant and taking precautions, you can safeguard your personal information from falling victim to juice jacking.

Please don’t charge your phones in public! Your data can be stolen!

    Your phones could be hacked

    It's advisable not charge your phones in public

    Infected USBs can steal your data from phones

The government has once again warned people not to charge their phones in public as the data on the phone may be stolen. Let’s understand what juice jacking is. 

Juice jacking is a sneaky cyber threat that occurs when hackers exploit public charging stations to steal sensitive data from your mobile devices. Picture this scenario: you’re waiting for your train or flight, and your phone’s battery is running low. You plug it into a charging port, thinking nothing of it, but unknown to you, your personal information is being compromised. 

Also Read: Cyber crimes: Know what juice jacking is and how to protect yourself!

Here’s how it works

When you connect your device to a public USB port, cybercriminals can use compromised cables or ports to install malware onto your phone. This malware acts like a virus, infiltrating your device and granting hackers access to all your personal data. From passwords to financial details, nothing is safe. Even more alarming, hackers can potentially manipulate your phone to transfer funds from your bank accounts.

So, how can you protect yourself? 

Firstly, avoid charging your phone in public places whenever possible. It’s also a good idea to keep your phone fully charged before heading out. Consider carrying your own USB cables and even spare batteries to avoid using public charging stations altogether. By staying vigilant and taking precautions, you can safeguard your personal information from falling victim to juice jacking.

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