Renowned cardiologist Dr CN Manjunath offers reassurance amid Covishield concerns

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Published May 3, 2024 at 9:06pm

Update May 3, 2024 at 9:45pm

    Covishield takers should not worry, assert doctors

    The risks of side effects very minimal, doctors stress

    A good medicine is something that outweighs risks compared to benefits

AstraZeneca-produced Covishield vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS). The admission comes amid a class-action lawsuit alleging such adverse effects. TTS is characterized by blood clot formation and low platelet levels and has been observed as a rare side effect associated with certain Covid-19 vaccines, particularly those using adenovirus vectors like Covishield. 

Also watch: Is there need to worry over Covid vaccinations? 

Keeping this in mind, NewsFirst Prime spoke to Dr CN Manjunath, a cardiologist, who allayed all the fears. 

He said, “There should be noscare for anyone. Of course, it can cause clots and heart attacks. But for every 10 lakh vaccinations, only 5-6 may have suffered such complications. If it occurs, it should occur within 3 months or up to 1 year.” 

The doctor also reassured the takers, stressing that it was taken 3 years ago. He added, “It was taken three years ago. In fact, we should thank the manufacturers for the bulk productions they have done. There is again, no need to fear.” 

The cardiologist threw light on what a good medicine is. 

“A good medicine has more benefits than risks.” 

So with several doctors crushing the fears that people have, it is better to live in a relaxed manner than be anxious. 

You can catch the entire interview here:

Renowned cardiologist Dr CN Manjunath offers reassurance amid Covishield concerns

    Covishield takers should not worry, assert doctors

    The risks of side effects very minimal, doctors stress

    A good medicine is something that outweighs risks compared to benefits

AstraZeneca-produced Covishield vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS). The admission comes amid a class-action lawsuit alleging such adverse effects. TTS is characterized by blood clot formation and low platelet levels and has been observed as a rare side effect associated with certain Covid-19 vaccines, particularly those using adenovirus vectors like Covishield. 

Also watch: Is there need to worry over Covid vaccinations? 

Keeping this in mind, NewsFirst Prime spoke to Dr CN Manjunath, a cardiologist, who allayed all the fears. 

He said, “There should be noscare for anyone. Of course, it can cause clots and heart attacks. But for every 10 lakh vaccinations, only 5-6 may have suffered such complications. If it occurs, it should occur within 3 months or up to 1 year.” 

The doctor also reassured the takers, stressing that it was taken 3 years ago. He added, “It was taken three years ago. In fact, we should thank the manufacturers for the bulk productions they have done. There is again, no need to fear.” 

The cardiologist threw light on what a good medicine is. 

“A good medicine has more benefits than risks.” 

So with several doctors crushing the fears that people have, it is better to live in a relaxed manner than be anxious. 

You can catch the entire interview here:

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