Strange but true! Karnataka police arrest man who collected and worshipped 35 skulls!

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Published March 11, 2024 at 1:48pm

Update March 11, 2024 at 3:12pm

    Balaram is the man accused

    He would visit crematoriums at night

    He had 35 skulls in his possession

In what comes as shocking, the police have recovered several skulls from a farmhouse in Karnataka’s Bidadi. 

They have also arrested a person by name Balaram, who used to visit crematoriums and collect these skulls. Incidentally, he would worship these skulls. 

The accused would surreptitiously visit crematoriums at night in pursuit of the skulls. Villagers, who noticed him, lodged a police complaint. 

As part of the investigation, the police recced his house and recovered 35 skulls. They also took into their possession kumkum, among other things. On interrogation, Balaram said that such a practice has been prevalent since the time of his grandfather. 

Strange but true! Karnataka police arrest man who collected and worshipped 35 skulls!

    Balaram is the man accused

    He would visit crematoriums at night

    He had 35 skulls in his possession

In what comes as shocking, the police have recovered several skulls from a farmhouse in Karnataka’s Bidadi. 

They have also arrested a person by name Balaram, who used to visit crematoriums and collect these skulls. Incidentally, he would worship these skulls. 

The accused would surreptitiously visit crematoriums at night in pursuit of the skulls. Villagers, who noticed him, lodged a police complaint. 

As part of the investigation, the police recced his house and recovered 35 skulls. They also took into their possession kumkum, among other things. On interrogation, Balaram said that such a practice has been prevalent since the time of his grandfather. 

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