Survey reveals Gen Z employees prefer ChatGPT for career advice over bosses

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Published March 28, 2024 at 11:02pm

    Survey conducted by INTOO and Workplace Intelligence

    Nearly half of Gen Z workers receive career advice from AI

    44% contemplate leaving their jobs within next six months

A recent survey conducted by INTOO and Workplace Intelligence sheds light on a growing trend among Generation Z employees: they are turning to artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, for career guidance over their human supervisors.

Surprisingly, nearly half of Gen Z workers believe they receive superior career advice from AI compared to their real-life bosses, with 44% contemplating leaving their current jobs within the next six months.

Also read: Boon or bane? AI could potentially wipe out 80 lakh jobs in the UK!

Mira Greenland, from INTOO, reportedly emphasized that job satisfaction encompasses more than just monetary compensation; it also involves feeling supported and valued by employers. Even seemingly small gestures, such as recommending relevant podcasts, can significantly impact employee morale and sense of worth. According to Greenland, employee satisfaction and loyalty hinge on the support and investment provided by companies, surpassing the allure of competitive salaries alone.

Ultimately, whether seeking guidance from an AI chatbot or a human mentor, employees should feel supported in their career journeys. It’s essential to recognize that feeling stuck is a common experience and that seeking assistance from knowledgeable sources can pave the way for personal and professional growth.

Survey reveals Gen Z employees prefer ChatGPT for career advice over bosses

    Survey conducted by INTOO and Workplace Intelligence

    Nearly half of Gen Z workers receive career advice from AI

    44% contemplate leaving their jobs within next six months

A recent survey conducted by INTOO and Workplace Intelligence sheds light on a growing trend among Generation Z employees: they are turning to artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, for career guidance over their human supervisors.

Surprisingly, nearly half of Gen Z workers believe they receive superior career advice from AI compared to their real-life bosses, with 44% contemplating leaving their current jobs within the next six months.

Also read: Boon or bane? AI could potentially wipe out 80 lakh jobs in the UK!

Mira Greenland, from INTOO, reportedly emphasized that job satisfaction encompasses more than just monetary compensation; it also involves feeling supported and valued by employers. Even seemingly small gestures, such as recommending relevant podcasts, can significantly impact employee morale and sense of worth. According to Greenland, employee satisfaction and loyalty hinge on the support and investment provided by companies, surpassing the allure of competitive salaries alone.

Ultimately, whether seeking guidance from an AI chatbot or a human mentor, employees should feel supported in their career journeys. It’s essential to recognize that feeling stuck is a common experience and that seeking assistance from knowledgeable sources can pave the way for personal and professional growth.

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