Swaying saree surge in market: Politicians employ nine yards to secure votes of women

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Published March 21, 2024 at 7:51pm

Update March 21, 2024 at 8:35pm

    Politicians are vying to tap into women's vote bank

    Politicians have turned to gift sarees to women voters

    Amidst whiff of impropriety, election officials are also vigilant

The date and time for electoral warfare has been set. A new surge of activity is stirring in the realm of politics. Amidst this, politicians vying for the women’s vote bank have turned to gift sarees to capture the hearts of female voters, leading to a surge in the saree market.

Sarees are being wielded as a charm to entice the minds of the electorate, women voters in particular. Sarees emerge as a potent gift for women’s votes.

As the call to the grand festival of democracy has been sounded, candidates advance eagerly onto the election battlefield. Concurrently, politicians eyeing the women’s vote bank are considering sarees as a tactic to sway female voters. In a bid to fortify their support among women, a variety of colorful sarees have been employed as a strategic investment, resulting in a thriving saree market.

Political leaders have issued numerous directives to their supporters and saree vendors and are procuring sarees for women through their trusted associates.

With changing trends, tactics have evolved. Sensing the whiff of impropriety, election officials are also vigilant. As election fervour intensifies, the illegality of appeasing voters with gifts looms larger in view of the model code of conduct, prompting election officials to remain vigilant.

Swaying saree surge in market: Politicians employ nine yards to secure votes of women


    Politicians are vying to tap into women's vote bank

    Politicians have turned to gift sarees to women voters

    Amidst whiff of impropriety, election officials are also vigilant

The date and time for electoral warfare has been set. A new surge of activity is stirring in the realm of politics. Amidst this, politicians vying for the women’s vote bank have turned to gift sarees to capture the hearts of female voters, leading to a surge in the saree market.

Sarees are being wielded as a charm to entice the minds of the electorate, women voters in particular. Sarees emerge as a potent gift for women’s votes.

As the call to the grand festival of democracy has been sounded, candidates advance eagerly onto the election battlefield. Concurrently, politicians eyeing the women’s vote bank are considering sarees as a tactic to sway female voters. In a bid to fortify their support among women, a variety of colorful sarees have been employed as a strategic investment, resulting in a thriving saree market.

Political leaders have issued numerous directives to their supporters and saree vendors and are procuring sarees for women through their trusted associates.

With changing trends, tactics have evolved. Sensing the whiff of impropriety, election officials are also vigilant. As election fervour intensifies, the illegality of appeasing voters with gifts looms larger in view of the model code of conduct, prompting election officials to remain vigilant.

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