Zuckerberg personally writes emails to AI researchers in Google offering jobs

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Published March 27, 2024 at 8:49am

    Zuckerberg expressed to the engineers the value AI holds to Meta

    Hiring process is taking place without an interview round

    Zuckerberg reached out to AI researchers in Google’s DeepMind

With advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research taking place on a daily basis, none of the ‘Big Data’ companies want to be left behind in the race. In this regard, CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has made news by personally reaching out to AI researchers in Google’s DeepMind through emails. As per a report in The Information, Zuckerberg expressed to the engineers the value AI holds to Meta and the eagerness he has to work with AI researchers. It is being reported that the hiring process is taking place without an interview round. Meta has also relaxed its policy of not offering a better pay to candidates with other offers in the same pay range for consideration. 

The debate regarding the impact AI will have on the job industry is ongoing. Regardless of which sector would be impacted, those with expertise in the domains such as Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing that form important components of what is broadly defined as AI are likely to be in demand in the near future. Whether this demand will in itself create jobs similar to when the software field first developed remains to be seen. A grasp of the fundamentals of such technologies will always be beneficial.

Zuckerberg personally writes emails to AI researchers in Google offering jobs


    Zuckerberg expressed to the engineers the value AI holds to Meta

    Hiring process is taking place without an interview round

    Zuckerberg reached out to AI researchers in Google’s DeepMind

With advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research taking place on a daily basis, none of the ‘Big Data’ companies want to be left behind in the race. In this regard, CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has made news by personally reaching out to AI researchers in Google’s DeepMind through emails. As per a report in The Information, Zuckerberg expressed to the engineers the value AI holds to Meta and the eagerness he has to work with AI researchers. It is being reported that the hiring process is taking place without an interview round. Meta has also relaxed its policy of not offering a better pay to candidates with other offers in the same pay range for consideration. 

The debate regarding the impact AI will have on the job industry is ongoing. Regardless of which sector would be impacted, those with expertise in the domains such as Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing that form important components of what is broadly defined as AI are likely to be in demand in the near future. Whether this demand will in itself create jobs similar to when the software field first developed remains to be seen. A grasp of the fundamentals of such technologies will always be beneficial.

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