Kerala: Doctor performs surgery on tongue instead of fingers; suspended

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Published May 17, 2024 at 12:28pm

Update May 17, 2024 at 12:29pm

    Doctor's blunder endangers a kid's life

    He operated on the kid's tongue, not on the fingers

    He has been suspended for his action

A doctor at Kozhikode Medical College has been suspended after a shocking surgical error on a young girl. Admitted for the removal of her sixth finger, the child instead underwent surgery on her tongue.

Also Read: Bengaluru: Doctor poisons large trees to clear view for commercial building

The incident came to light when the family discovered the mistake post-surgery. The parents alleged that Dr Bijon Johnson, the surgeon, defended his actions by claiming a cyst had been diagnosed inside the girl’s mouth, necessitating the tongue surgery. The family firmly denied any prior issues with the child’s tongue, labeling the doctor’s negligence as “shameful.”

Hospital authorities reportedly informed the family that the mix-up occurred because surgeries for two children had been scheduled on the same day. This revelation ignited widespread outrage across the state. Health Minister Veena George, acting swiftly on a report from the Director of Medical Education, suspended Dr Johnson and issued strict directives to all hospitals to rigorously follow medical procedure protocols.

A police case has been filed against the doctor, citing IPC Sections 336 (endangering life or personal safety) and 337 (causing hurt by an act endangering life or personal safety).

Opposition Leader VD Satheesan condemned the incident, raising concerns about the declining quality of medical services in Kerala and warning of potential damage to the state’s medical reputation. The case continues to stir public and political reactions, highlighting the urgent need for improved medical oversight.

Kerala: Doctor performs surgery on tongue instead of fingers; suspended

    Doctor's blunder endangers a kid's life

    He operated on the kid's tongue, not on the fingers

    He has been suspended for his action

A doctor at Kozhikode Medical College has been suspended after a shocking surgical error on a young girl. Admitted for the removal of her sixth finger, the child instead underwent surgery on her tongue.

Also Read: Bengaluru: Doctor poisons large trees to clear view for commercial building

The incident came to light when the family discovered the mistake post-surgery. The parents alleged that Dr Bijon Johnson, the surgeon, defended his actions by claiming a cyst had been diagnosed inside the girl’s mouth, necessitating the tongue surgery. The family firmly denied any prior issues with the child’s tongue, labeling the doctor’s negligence as “shameful.”

Hospital authorities reportedly informed the family that the mix-up occurred because surgeries for two children had been scheduled on the same day. This revelation ignited widespread outrage across the state. Health Minister Veena George, acting swiftly on a report from the Director of Medical Education, suspended Dr Johnson and issued strict directives to all hospitals to rigorously follow medical procedure protocols.

A police case has been filed against the doctor, citing IPC Sections 336 (endangering life or personal safety) and 337 (causing hurt by an act endangering life or personal safety).

Opposition Leader VD Satheesan condemned the incident, raising concerns about the declining quality of medical services in Kerala and warning of potential damage to the state’s medical reputation. The case continues to stir public and political reactions, highlighting the urgent need for improved medical oversight.

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