Zerodha’s Nikhil Kamath proposes monthly device-free day to reclaim attention

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Published May 29, 2024 at 9:51pm

    Nikhil Kamath addressed the critical issue of attention scarcity

    Highlighted dwindling availability amid today’s fast-paced world

    Advocated to make one Sunday a month device-free day

Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath recently addressed the critical issue of attention scarcity in a post on X, emphasizing its dwindling availability amid today’s fast-paced, media-saturated world.

Highlighting staggering statistics of digital activity, Kamath noted millions of messages, Google searches, and emails exchanged every minute. He stressed the overwhelming influence of media distractions and advertising on modern life.

Also read: Nithin Kamath calls for greater scrutiny on food quality and safety in India

In his post, Kamath succinctly stated, “Attention = time, time, the commodity that defines all other commodities.” Recognizing time as our most valuable resource, Kamath suggested a practical solution: instituting a “device-free” period.

“Crazy to think we control so little and others so much. I’m as manipulated by all this as the next guy/girl. Let’s take some control back, last Sunday of every month no devices? Let’s experience the manipulation of our physical vicinity instead. I can do it if we all do it together,” he wrote.

Kamath’s proposal struck a chord with many, eliciting a wave of supportive comments. One user remarked, “Absolutely, let’s break free from the digital leash and reconnect with our real-world environment. One Sunday a month device-free could be the reset we all need. Who’s in?”

Another user echoed, “Absolutely! Time is our most precious resource, yet often we surrender it to distractions.”

Kamath also recently shared his unconventional views on parenthood, stating that the traditional notion of having children to carry on a legacy does not resonate with him, as he prioritizes his current pursuits over raising a child.

Kamath’s reflections on attention and time underscore a growing awareness of the need to reclaim our focus in an increasingly distracted world.

Zerodha’s Nikhil Kamath proposes monthly device-free day to reclaim attention

    Nikhil Kamath addressed the critical issue of attention scarcity

    Highlighted dwindling availability amid today’s fast-paced world

    Advocated to make one Sunday a month device-free day

Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath recently addressed the critical issue of attention scarcity in a post on X, emphasizing its dwindling availability amid today’s fast-paced, media-saturated world.

Highlighting staggering statistics of digital activity, Kamath noted millions of messages, Google searches, and emails exchanged every minute. He stressed the overwhelming influence of media distractions and advertising on modern life.

Also read: Nithin Kamath calls for greater scrutiny on food quality and safety in India

In his post, Kamath succinctly stated, “Attention = time, time, the commodity that defines all other commodities.” Recognizing time as our most valuable resource, Kamath suggested a practical solution: instituting a “device-free” period.

“Crazy to think we control so little and others so much. I’m as manipulated by all this as the next guy/girl. Let’s take some control back, last Sunday of every month no devices? Let’s experience the manipulation of our physical vicinity instead. I can do it if we all do it together,” he wrote.

Kamath’s proposal struck a chord with many, eliciting a wave of supportive comments. One user remarked, “Absolutely, let’s break free from the digital leash and reconnect with our real-world environment. One Sunday a month device-free could be the reset we all need. Who’s in?”

Another user echoed, “Absolutely! Time is our most precious resource, yet often we surrender it to distractions.”

Kamath also recently shared his unconventional views on parenthood, stating that the traditional notion of having children to carry on a legacy does not resonate with him, as he prioritizes his current pursuits over raising a child.

Kamath’s reflections on attention and time underscore a growing awareness of the need to reclaim our focus in an increasingly distracted world.

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